Tag: ab hiit workout

Keto Smashed Avocado with Eggs

This is such a simple and delicious breakfast to make, and one you really can’t get tired of eating. And although it is simple with...

Oven-Baked Pork Rind Breaded Shrimp

Seafood in the diet is great for health and pretty much all of it is keto-friendly due to having almost no carbs. It turns out...

Keto Broccoli Beef Stir-Fry

Here we pair fatty sirloin with nutrient-dense broccoli and a hint of ginger for a kick. This delicious recipe will get you the fat content...

Crispy Butternut Squash Chips

Crispy Butternut Squash Chips 0.75 lb Butter Nut Squash2 tbsp Garlic-Infused Olive Oil1 tsp Ginger1/4 tsp Nutmeg1 tsp Cinnamon1/4 tsp Cloves1 pinch Salt Clean...

Cheesy Keto Omelette

Cheesy eggs are the perfect combination to appease your tastebuds. Additionally, powering yourself up with eggs and cheese in the morning ensures a balanced mode...