It’s all very well going on a Keto diet and you’ve likely planned your meals, filled up your shopping trolley and stocked your fridge with high protein, “good” fats but what about when you crave something in the middle of the day?
What can you eat that won’t throw your body out of its ketogenic state and ruin all the good work you’ve put in?
You don’t want to go hungry but the last thing you want to do is reach for a high carb, high sugar snack to satisfy your grumbling tummy.
Not only will that make you feel guilty (after everything you’ve done to lose that weight!), it will also make it even harder to jump back on the Keto diet wagon again!
Luckily, we have the answer.
Here’s our list of easy on-the-go Keto snacks to keep you in Ketosis and they’re easy to pre-prepare so simply get them ready, pile them high in your fridge or pantry and take out a couple when you leave the house.
1. Mini Egg Muffins
These are absolutely delicious and entirely Keto-friendly.
They’re also healthy and fine for all the family to enjoy.
Make these over the weekend and store them in the fridge for a few days, they’ll stave off hunger pangs for a long while and will keep your body in its ketogenic state.
You’ll need 6 eggs, a muffin pan, bowl and of course – your oven!
- Preheat your oven to 355 Deg F / 180 Deg C.
- Beat six whole eggs together and add salt and pepper as you desire.
- Then place the mixture into each muffin cup and add something you enjoy, think cheese (Keto friendly cheese), green vegetables like spinach or try mushrooms – or mix them together!
- Bake in the oven for around 20 minutes, depending on the speed of your oven – and there you have it, tasty muffin snacks that you’ll adore!
2. Salad Skewers
Make salad extra fun with skewers of your favorite salad vegetables and mozzarella cheese.
Easy to make, store them in a Tupperware in the fridge and take one out when you want something to nosh on!
Try cherry tomatoes, basil and avocado (although you can’t store that for very long).
Dip in balsamic to add extra flavor. Yum!
3. Shrimp Skewers
Rather like the salad skewers, try shrimp skewers as well.
Shrimps contain Omega 3 and they’re a source of healthy fat.
Keto-friendly, thread them onto skewers with slices of green or red peppers (or both) and bake or grill your shrimps (use a seasoning mix if you like, such as Cajun).
These are great hot or cold.
4. Peanut Butter Dip
This snack is so easy and very Keto-friendly.
Place peanut butter (check it’s sugar-free) in a small dip-bowl (or a small round Tupperware if you want to port it somewhere else), slice up some vegetables (celery, peppers, tomatoes, cucumber, carrot) and dip these into the peanut butter for a filling savory snack.
5. Keto Sushi
Sushi is off the menu because of the rice content but there is a Keto-friendly alternative.
Buy Nori seaweed from your Japanese food store or a well-stocked supermarket and chop up some vegetables and (very fresh) salmon or tuna as a filling – avocado is great for this savory snack.
You could add some fresh cream cheese too or use a peanut sauce for dipping but do check there’s no added sugar.
Place the Nori seaweed flat and lightly dampen the edges with a little water.
Then, add your chosen filling onto the Nori sheet and roll up tightly. Finally, slice up and enjoy!
6. Avocado and Egg
This is really easy.
Boil some eggs so they’re hard-boiled.
Then, slice the eggs into two, scoop out the center and mash together with avocado to create a filing.
Place the filling back in the center of each of the halves – voila, delicious tasting snacks that work well as dinner party canapes too.
Sprinkle with a little seasoning if you like.
7. Vegetable Crudités
This is ridiculously easy.
All you need is a selection of raw vegetables (for example, cucumber sticks, carrot sticks, celery sticks, cherry tomatoes and sliced raw mushrooms).
Whizz up your own guacamole or tomato salsa (or buy from a supermarket but check the ingredients for sugar) and you have your very own vegetable crudités to snack on when hunger strikes in-between meals.
8. Mixed Nuts
Nuts are healthy and good for you, they’re also fantastic Keto-friendly snacks.
Place a mix of nuts such as almonds, Brazil nuts, pistachios, pecans, cashews and walnuts in small Tupperware boxes or in little food bags and carry with you for a tasty snack that will satisfy you immediately.
Full of protein and high in fiber they’re really good for you, 1 oz / 28 grams of mixed nuts gives you 15 grams of fat, 5 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber.
9. Roasted Vegetables
This one is super-easy and delicious.
Preheat your oven to 355 Deg F / 180 Deg C and slice up some vegetables such as red peppers, yellow peppers, green peppers, tomatoes and red onion, then sprinkle with a little oil (coconut oil is perfect), season with salt and pepper and roast for around 20 to 30 minutes until they start to get that nice char-grilled look.
Alternatively, put them onto a skewer and grill.
These are always delicious served hot or cold.
10. Olives
These are perfect Keto-friendly snacks as well as being a good source of fiber and there are so many varieties too.
Place a few olives in a little Tupperware and keep in the fridge until the hunger pangs strike.
3.5 oz / 100 grams of olives delivers 11 g of fat and 6 g of carbs (keep an eye on your carb count for the day).
There are also 115 calories per 3.5 oz / 100 grams of olives.
If you want a variation, try stuffing them with Feta cheese and serve them as canapes for a dinner party – your guests will also love the flavor mix.